Combining the fit and comfort of a traditional cycling sock with the drag reducing  enhancements of an aero sock. We give you, the Aero-Ish Sock.
Whilst a fully dedicated Aero Sock will provided greater drag reduction, we understand that some people don't like to wear Aero Socks or have fit issues with them. If this is you or you experience thethe stigma of wearing dedicated race kit to training rides then Aero-Ish Socks are for you.
To demonstrate the advantage Aero-Ish Socks, we took our Pro Socks (a standard set of cycling socks)  Aero-Ish Socks to the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub to test.

Runs were conducted for a speed range of 30-60kph at 5kph increments to display how guards perform through typical race speeds. A constant cadence of 90rpm was selected for all runs measured by a crank based powermeter.

All the socks on test were brand new to avoid any variance in test results that could occur through wear. Tests were conducted over 30 second runs, with any erroneous runs repeated.



Speed (kph)
Product 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Pro Socks (Watts) 96.63 150.4 221.47 310.44 423.4 559.79 723.9
Aero Ish Socks (Watts) 95.92 148.8 219.29 310.03 420.33 552.4 711.3
Aero Ish Socks Savings Vs. Pro Socks 0.71 1.60 2.18 0.41 3.07 7.39 12.60



At every speed tested, the Aero-Ish socks produced lower drag readings than the Pro Socks.

Whilst the result is less that what can be achieved with a set of our Aero Socks, the Aero-Ish socks are not designed to be a direct competitor our Aero Socks, rather they are competitor to a standard set of cycling socks, providing an advantage for little to no visual distinction or difference in price.


Aero-Ish Socks are available here



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